Various Chart Types to analyze your Data

Exply empowers you with numerous chart types that fit your data perfectly. 

Don’t just leave your business and project success to coincidence. The numerous chart types in Exply enable you to visualise & analyse your business and projects daily. Immediately gain useful insights into your performance and deduce valuable decisions concerning all projects and departments.

Make important decisions, based on data and facts, which generate the biggest success for your business. All chart types are an essential part of Exply and fully integrated.

Choose from numerous chart types:

  • Raw Data Table
  • Pivot Table
  • Row Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Time Series Charts
    • Time Series Line Chart
    • Time Series Area Chart
    • Time Series Bar Chart
    • Multivalue Time Series Chart
  • Sunburst Pie Chart
  • Scatter and Bubble Chart
  • Gantt chart
  • Correlation Matrix
  • Treemap Chart
  • Quota Tile
  • Metric Tile (Counter Gadget) 
  • Burndown Chart

...and more coming soon:

  • Map Chart
  • Gauge Chart
  • Progress Widget
  • Funnel Diagram
  • Histogram

Customize each charting widget individually. Define size, select by which values you want to stack your charts, how many values you want to show and so on. We are working hard to bring you even more chart types and visualizations in future updates of Exply.

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Row Chart

Create detailed analytics to compare your data for a certain timespan, project, task and more. Choose whether you would like to stack more information within each bar and how many stacks and bars to see.

Bar Chart

The sibling of the Row Chart is the Bar Chart. Depending on which option you like the most, we got you covered.

Pivot Row Chart

Row Charts provide you with a stacking so that you can pivot over an additional category. Pivot Row Charts allow you to display all values side by side.

Pivot Bar Chart

The sibling of the Pivot Row Chart is the Pivot Bar Chart. It also displays all values side by side, but in bars. Depending on which option you like the most, we got you covered.

Treemap Chart

Treemaps are used to display hierarchical data. If the color and size dimensions correlate in some way with the tree structure, patterns often become obvious that would be difficult to see in other visualizations. For example, it becomes visible whether a certain color is particularly relevant. 

Sunburst Pie Chart

Analogous to the Treemap Widget, the Sunburst Pie Chart displays hierarchical data. Each hierarchy is indicated by a ring, with the inner ring representing the top hierarchy. In sunburst diagrams you can see how the different hierarchy levels relate to each other. 

Scatter Plot

The Scatter Plot visualizes the correlation betweeen two categories. Each category is correlated with the other values in the table. This allows you to see which pairs have the highest correlation.

Correlation Matrix

The Correlation Matrix shows you the correlation betweeen two sets of variables. Each random variable in the table is correlated with each of the other values in the table. This allows you to see which pairs have the highest correlation.

Timeline Bars

The Timeline chart is used to visualize values and trends over time. Depending on the level of detail you want to see, you can stack additional information into the timeline bars (e.g. projects, team members, product groups, locations, etc.)

Timeline Area

The Timeline Areas Chart is used to represent trends over time. The time is always displayed on the x-axis and the key figures are displayed on the y-axis. The orientation cannot be changed to vertical.

Timeline Lines

In difference to the Timeline Bars & Areas Charts, the Lines version doesn't stack the values. Timeseries data can therefore easily be compared.

Pivot Tables

Pivot Tables allow you to analyze hierarchical data to get detailed insights stacked by projects, employees, tasks, issues and way more.

Results Table

Sometimes the simplest visualization is the best one. This absolutely fits the Results Table Widget and it's customizable columns and sorting.

Quota Tile

Define individual budgets for several time spans, to perfectly monitor and manage your daily project time.

Metrics Tile

Directly show the sum, average, min, max or count of a any given value, e.g. logged hours, billable hours, hourly rate, issue solving time, revenue, sales and much more.

Importer Status

Data credibility is crucial for us. The Importer Status Widget instantly grants access to important information like last import, health status and lets you directly access the importer.


The decentralized TimeSelector can be palced everywhere or even be deleted. You can use it to decide which days of the week are working days and which time span you want to be the default.

Logo / Image

One of the simplest widgets is the image. Place your customers logo in his dashboard to welcome him, or have a picture wall of all your team members, etc.

Your Advantages with Exply Chart Types

Direct Control

Control the success of your business and projects directly at your fingertips.

Peaks & Valleys

See peaks & valleys in performance and turn problems into opportunities.

Improved Planning

Continuously improve your planning by using comparable data from former projects.

Relevant Data

JIRA, Tempo Time Sheets, Git, JSON, CSV, XML - Integration of all relevant data sources and more.

Real-time KPIs

All charts are calculated in real-time giving you the best information possible.


Compare projects, departments, etc. at the level you need to get to most relevant information.

Exply On-Premises

Requires Ubuntu 16, 18, Debian 9